Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday cheer!

For Thanksgiving, we drove up to San Antonio to have Turkey Day with the Dyer Family. We had a great time over at their neighbors, the Coffees'. Since Elyse is taking up all the room in my belly, I was unable to gorge as much as I would have liked, but I gave it a damn good effort. Friday we did a TINY bit of shopping, then the Dyer Family and the Aguilar Family (including Grandpa Felix) all went to dinner. It was wonderful to have the families together. I am very thankful for my loving, happy family and my little tummy hogging baby!

On Saturday, we had Cousin Julie's baby shower. It was so fancy! Aunt Maggie went all out, it was really beautiful. Again, I got to see lots of my beloved family and had an awesome time. We drove home afterwards and were pretty wiped out.

Sunday, my babydaddy surprised me and went into full Griswald mode! He recruited his brother Kevin and we all went and picked out TWO trees (one for inside, one for the front yard)! The boys worked really hard and decorated the entire outside of the house. I will post pics of it soon. It makes me sososososososossoso happy to have the house decked out for the holidays! I am so content. If only Elyse were here to see it all. I cannot wait for her to be out of the belly! Only nine more weeks (gulp!)!!

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