Saturday, January 3, 2009

35 weeks and counting...

Happy 2009! So, the photos may be inappropriate, but I guess I don't care. This belly is quite impressive and I must show it off!!!

I have reached 35 weeks of pregnancy and it seems that I am beginning to fall apart. Walking has become a bit of a challenge--I am in full "waddle" mode and it is actually pretty pathetic to behold. Rolling in and out of bed is an experiment in using gravity, but also trying not to fall on my huge ass once gravity begins to do its job. My freakish spurt of energy that helped me skate though all the activities of December is gone, baby, gone. Have had a sore throat/hacking cough and snotty nose for 4 days now and am pretty much miserable.

In good news, however, Elyse seems to be flourishing! She kicks the hell out of me and is quite active! I can see my stomach move when she does this--it is just so strange. This week is going to be crazy! I have a breastfeeding class on Monday, an appointment with Dr. Nanda on Tuesday, Dr. Monla on Wednesday and Elyse's last ultrasound on Thursday. Then, Friday, I leave for my San Antonio shower! I need a nap just thinking about it!

1 comment:

Julie Applewhite said...

Can't wait to see you in long as I'm not in active labor!! Mags thinks this is funny, but I'm going to do everything to bring my fat ass down there :)