Friday, February 20, 2009

Scary stuff

She had the scariest exorcist spit up/puke today. She was covered from chest to toes. I reacted as any reasonable first time mother would by calling my mom in tears and screaming for her to call the pediatrician and calling Jason in tears and being unable to speak due to my hysteria. I was convinced it was the end and was paralyzed by fear. Thank god our pediatrician RAWKS. He called me to assure me that exorcist pukes are only worrisome if the baby's head spins around and she starts speaking in tongues. Dr. Wollens is tres cool and funny! I have resolved to review infant CPR everyday this weekend. This parenthood thing is not for the faint of heart...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fabulous Daddy

Jason is such a wonderful dad! He has been taking the first couple of night shifts and giving Elyse pumped milk in bottles, takes great pride in developing new strategies for getting her to sleep and loves to give Elyse "salon style rinses" when we give her a bath. It is such a beautiful thing to watch the daddy daughter bonding. I am just stupid in love with my family...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gorgeous George

Went to my post partum visit with Dr. Nanda today and found out that everything looks great! These pics are from today. The child is so fabulously gorgeous I just have no other words...

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Holy hell fire. Having an infant is so freaking hard. Everyone tells you that you will have no clue what hit you no matter how much you read and think you have prepared for it. Everyone is right. She is worth every hour of lost sleep and bout of tears. But it is SO HARD...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Elyse!!

We got home from the hospital on Friday (2/6) and had an awesome welcoming crew! Jennie came in from Austin and brought candy and wine to celebrate the homecoming! Jen and Lisa came over as well, we all had dinner and I had lots of help with the baby.

On Sunday (2/8) Grammy Aguilar threw a beautiful birthday party for Elyse! We had yummy food, lots of family and a wonderful afternoon celebrating the little bug. Ande took some awesome photos, which I will post separately. I am posting my amateur ones now.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Elyse's B-day story

Elyse Caroline Dyer was born at 6:46pm on February 2, 2009. She weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces and measured 19.2 inches long. She is the most beautiful child ever to grace the planet. EVER!

On February 1, 2009, Jason and I headed to the hospital for Elyse's birthday--there was not a lot of action Sunday night--the real fun started on Monday. I had been dilating steadily all morning--when I reached 4 cm, I started thinking of asking for my epidural. I was trying to be tough and hold on for a while on my own. Big mistake. By 11:30, I requested the epidural. I was told I was next in line and that it would be 15 minutes or so. As luck would have it, there were 3 emergencies that popped up in the hospital between my request and my epidural which was administered TWO AND A HALF HOURS LATER. By that time, I was pyschotic. I could no longer speak English, my olny means of communication was a repetative moan. The anthesthesiologist actually asked me if I spoke English (what a skank!). After the epidural, I regained the ability to communicate in my native tongue, only to find out that Elyse was not descending into the birth canal. I had dilated all the way to an 8, but she was still at a minus three station. To quote my doctor "Elyse is in Dallas and she needs to be in Houston." So, I agreed to a C-section and was wheeled off about an hour and a half later. The C-section was scary as hell. I have never had surgery and had no idea what to expect. I think I had a mixture of a bad reaction to the anthesthesia and a huge case of nerves, so I was shaking violently the whole time. There was some strange techno music jamming in the operating room, which did nothing to dispel the freakiness of the event. Jason came in in his "bunny suit" as they called it, and was able to watch the whole procedure which only lasted about 2 minutes. He said Elyse came out, took a deep breath and then cooly looked around. Then she screamed bloody murder, which means "hello!" in newbron language. They popped Elyse over the tent so I could get a look at her. Jason said she was perfect. It happened quite quickly, then Jason was asked to leave the room. Apparently, my placenta retracted and the doctors were having a hard time putting Humpty back together again. After about 30 minutes, I was rolled in to the recovery room. It turned out that Elyse was facing the wrong way to descend into the birth canal--she was "sunny side up" as Dr. Cook described it. A natural birth would have been a disaster.And thus, the great adventure of the Dyer Made began.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Diva Has Arrived...

After 39 weeks and 3 days in the oven, our beautiful diva has arrived! We checked in to the hospital on Sunday with plans for a vaginal birth. I labored for about 11.5 hours before the doctors determinted that my pelvis was too narrow for Elyse to pass through, so I ended up having a c-section.

The child is utterly and completely gorgeous. She is a doppelganger of her daddy. We are head over heels in love with her. We're both feeling like we hit the awesome baby jackpot. Will post more pics later!